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Thompson Pharmacy is a VSP Care Site

Value-Specialty-Pharmacy-Care-Site-verThompson Pharmacy is now announcing its “VSP Care Site” affiliation with Value Specialty Pharmacy (VSP). The pharmaceutical industry is constantly changing and Thompson Pharmacy is making sure that we add new services so our customers can continue using our store to pick up all of their medications including those that are normally restricted to specialty pharmacies.

Value Specialty Pharmacy has the skill and experience to effectively manage costs for patients, health plans and others challenged by escalating specialty drug prices and increased utilization. Thompson Pharmacy and VSP focus on the patient, ensuring they receive one-on-one support and a personalized plan that addresses all conditions – not just the underlying chronic illness – to help them lead healthy, vibrant lives. This marks the beginning of a new day in the specialty sector, delivering personalized care to our customers with complex and chronic conditions to improve health outcomes through our local stores.

Patients diagnosed with complex medical conditions often face insurmountable challenges in managing their conditions – financially, emotionally, and physically. According to projected trend figures, specialty medication spending is estimated to grow from 18 percent of total pharmacy costs (2011) to 43 percent by 2020. Since 11 of the 16 most utilized drugs in the nation are classified as specialty, Thompson Pharmacy has addressed a growing need in our communities to better manage complex conditions like Cancer, Crohn’s Disease, Hepatitis C, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis, and others. VSP provides a support system for the patient and coordinates the efforts of physicians, community pharmacies and payers to streamline delivery and initiation of treatment to ensure a more positive experience for every patient.

Click here to learn more about Value Special Pharmacy’s Specialty Medication Solutions